Sunday, February 21, 2010


I bought another large book case last month intending to reserve a shelf for Rohan's photos and ashes. Unfortunately I have already packed it with books, and various media. In the top of this book case I have placed my most valuable books. A few of my favourites being: The Witching Weed (1927 - A book on smoking), Burn's Works (18??), The Decameron (of course - everyone must have this), and most extraordinarily, An Anglo-Saxon Reader (1925). The contents of which date from 700s to 900s and is printed in the Anglo-Saxon alphabet. One of the texts is a poem by Cynewulf who wove his runic name into the poem, Juliana  (Use the link and type in p.174 if you're seriously interested).

Sigh...beautiful books. It's lucky they're a tax deduction for teachers' professional libraries.

Skye Update: At 2 months she has doubled her birth weight and grown 6cm.  She is not a very smiley child but nevertheless alert and fairly content.

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