Peer pressure has persuaded me that rebooting my blog is an idea - we'll see if it's a good one. Ten years have passed since the last post and reading back I can see much and little has changed. You can see what preoccupied me back then and as everyone becomes more themself as they age, I've likely become more rabid about all those ideas.
However I have also realised that if people don't know me then the writing is fairly inaccessible but it was written for family to replace those annual letters where we paint a happy face on 12 months of insanity and as an alternative to the shouty-incoherence of Faceplant and Twitter (Now "X" - this name change could be posturingly immature or brilliantly deliberately assholey).
This time round I invite you to "throw me a bone" - give me topics that interest YOU and I will attempt coherence. I have no idea where this will go but recent events assure me the next 20 years are going to be very interesting.
Blog post criteria:
- intro post - tick
- mild social commentary - tick
- fleeting connection to world events - tick
- internal reflection - tick
- promising-content-hook - tick
- written with KISS principle - tick
- trippy fore-shadowing pic - tick
- smart-arse self-referencing - tick
- double checking to see how people will perceieve me through the writing ... I'm past 50 now, guys